Roll call: ========== dberkholz: absent, 40 minutes lates Halcy0n: absent Cardoe: here dertobi123: here lu_zero: here Betelgeuse: here jokey: absent, slacker Topics: ======= No topics for the meeting were proposed. Open Bugs: ========== Slacker Arches(bug 234706): Mark sent a proposal to gentoo-dev about this. No other discussion or decision. GLEP 55(.ebuild-$eapi extension, bug 234713): Conclusion: This bug has been RESO LATER'ed pending concrete need and consensus(GLEP 54 being the main one). Code of Conduct Update(Proctors no longer exist, bug 185572): Conclusion: Jorge(jmbsvicetto) will talk to other members of devrel about this bug. Extent of Code of Conduct enforcement(Banning people entirely from Gentoo, bug 234716): Conclusion: Userrel is responsible for establishing these policies. Since each developer is also a user at some point, these policies will apply to developers as well as users. GLEP 54(-scm package suffix. bug 234711): Conclusion: No decision. David Leverton commented that portage's current method for identifying 'live' ebuilds was hackish, as it depends on the list of inherited eclasses, which could change. Also, it was pointed out that some ebuilds use scm eclasses to check out specific revisions(mythtv). PROPERTIES=live was considered as another option.