Gentoo artwork
Here you can find wallpapers and badges to brand your desktop or application.
Contribute artwork
Get creative and share your wallpapers and badges with the Gentoo community!
Please get in touch with our web team to get your graphics added. Get community feedback before handing in your artwork on the Gentoo forums.
Get creative and share your wallpapers and badges with the Gentoo community!
Please get in touch with our web team to get your graphics added. Get community feedback before handing in your artwork on the Gentoo forums.

Gentoo Cow aka that cool old GDM theme
Created by Sebastian Pipping and Ethan Dunham
License: CC BY-SA 2.5

Let the world know that you run Gentoo Linux!
The following web badges imply a service or website is running Gentoo. Please practice good netiquette by avoiding inline links to the badges listed below; they should be hosted instead by the third party service or website running Gentoo.
Web badge 3 - PNG
by wolven
Web badge 3 - SVG
by Katherine Peeters, based on the PNG web badge by wolven.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Terms of Use
The graphics on this page are created by various authors who grant you permission to use and modify them as you see fit. The use of the Gentoo name and logo are governed by the Gentoo Name and Logo Usage Guidelines.